
The Unofficial Shelvoke & Drewry Website.

Home Page.

This website was first created in the early summer of 2002, by Brian Carpenter to preserve the name, history and reputation of Shelvoke & Drewry Ltd., of Letchworth, Hertfordshire. U.K. who were manufacturers of municipal vehicles for almost 70 years.

Brian died in December 2023, so this site is now looked after (with minimal intervention) by one of his sons, David.

It is entirely the work of the author, but I unreservedly acknowledge my debt to Nick Baldwin and William Negus for their book Kaleidoscope of Shelvoke & Drewry (Marshall Harris & Balwin Ltd., 1980). The authors of that volume were able to draw upon memories of those who remembered the early days of the foundation of Shelvoke & Drewry in 1922, and so it has become an invaluable resource for anyone wishing to learn about S&D.

As a result of this website the Shelvoke & Drewry Enthusiasts' Club was formed as a means of contact between all those with an interest in the company. I hope you find the information you are seeking here. If not please e-mail me, and I'll help if I can. Additional information about Shelvoke & Drewry is always very welcome.

E-mail address:- info@shelvoke-drewry.co.uk

Brian Carpenter

The pages of the website can be found by clicking on the sections below.

Company History

Vehicle Types

Preserved Vehicles

Model Vehicles


SD Enthusiasts' Club

SD Enthusiasts' Club Newsletter

Why the Website?

Links to other Websites

eXTReMe Tracker

Counter provided by eXTReMe tracking - click on the icon above. 

Total "hits" since counting started September 2002 = 47,120

Total for 2015:-  2,047 Total for 2016:- 1,930 Total for 2017 :- 1,421 Total for 2018:- 909 Total for 2019:- 1,105 Total for 2020:- 1,007 Total for 2021:- 985  Total for 2022:- 1636 Total this year to date:- 1559

Website last updated 1st December 2023.

The SD Enthusiasts' Club is now on Face book. Go to :-  https://www.facebook.com/groups/sdenthusiasts/


An easily printable  A4 shortened version of the newsletter as a PDF diocument has been added to the website in response to requests by readers. This should open automatically by clicking below.  If you have any problems please let me know.

I suggest you print page 2 on the back of page 1 and page 4 on the back of page 3 etc..

To view the Print version of the Winter 2023 Newsletter CLICK HERE.
To view the Print version of the Autumn 2023 Newsletter CLICK HERE.

To view a Print version of Existing SD Vehicles CLICK HERE

To view a Print version of Motor Transport 21st May 1923 CLICK HERE



 The Shelvoke & Drewry Factory in Icknield Way, Letchworth.